Browser Extension
Facebook Privacy Watcher is an addon for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, that has been developed at Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED) in association with TU Darmstadt (Technical University of Darmstadt). It provides a new and very simple interface to manage your privacy settings on Facebook.
Know your privacy settings
Since the default privacy settings on Facebook are more and more open with each update, it is very important to be able to easily grasp and change the privacy settings, to be protected from unintended oversharing.
However, the settings are quite detailed, and thus it's hard to keep track of them. For every single entry in your profile and your timeline, you can set set the audience to which an object is visible..
Only me
Simple and clear
The idea of Facebook Privacy Watcher is, to colorize every single item depending on its visibility to your friends and strangers. So it takes just seconds to recognize and change the privacy settings.
After the extension is installed, no further steps are necessary. When you open your own profile page on Facebook, it is recognized by the extension and your profile entries are colorized based on the privacy settings.
Change settings with just two clicks
Changing the settings is just as simple as recognizing them:
If you have found an item whose setting you would like to change, just click on it. A color wheel appears and you just have to click on the color that corresponds to the desired setting. Shortly after that, the setting is changed.
Facebook Privacy Watcher is designed to adapt to your needs.
If you do not like the default colors, you can change them according to your wishes.
You have problems to distinguish colors? Then you can use the extension anyway. There is a setting that replaces the colors with a monochrome pattern.